Cardano Pulse: December 2024
report is here!
Mint Limited Edition PDF
3 editions available
78 pages in depth analysis of Cardano ecosystem
demographics, investing, marketing, governance and more...

Mint up to 3 NFTs in 1 tx
(2 ADA deposit returned with each NFT)
Mint up to 3 NFTs in 1 tx
(2 ADA deposit returned with each NFT)
Mint up to 3 NFTs in 1 tx
(2 ADA deposit returned with each NFT)
Holders of our Dysmorphia NFTs and First Thesis: On Cardano NFTs have 15% discount. Be sure to mint with a wallet which is holding them.
Your support means a lot! Thank you!
if you don't want to mint an NFT you can always show your appreciation of our work in whatever amount you feel like: $thesis

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Read our
first research
We published results of a one-year long study of Cardano NFT ecosystem in October '23.
You can read it in PDF of 81 pages here, or on our Fork It website in interactive manner.
What is this all about?
T&D started in 2022 as a 1 year long project to research the Cardano NFT space. That research was successfully delivered. Currently, in March 2025, we are delivering our second research - again publishing it on-chain as an NFT based PDF.
What is Fork It?
Fork It is our platform built exclusively to showcase the results of our first research, which we produced in a 1 year span from August 2022-August 2023. The research was minted in a form of NFT called: First Thesis: On Cardano NFT space. The NFT included a PDF file with 81 pages of research and is also connected to Fork It platform sending you to different charts/data on it. On platform, you can see the results in visually appealing way and search/compare data which interests you the most.
What are our other NFTs?
Our latest NFT is the above mentioned First Thesis, which is the research itself. Our previous main NFT collection was Dysmorphia, which was the collection around which the project was built and research conducted. There is also a memorabilia collection called Dysmorphia Saved. Read more about all of them in History and Research.
Is the team doxxed?
The team is fully doxxed. Though, our story explicitly started as an undoxxed team - trying to research the sentiment about the question of doxxing in the Cardano space. Meet the team.

Imagining new research.
PHASE: New research coming on 28th Nov 2024.
Our GRAND vision
Decentralised Science.