GEI v1 Tool
See where you stand within the Cardano Pulse results
Your response is anonymous. It helps us track engagement trends over time.
You will see your score here
Governance Engagement Index v1 (GEI v1)
This version of the GEI was built using data collected in December 2024, while analysing the Cardano Pulse results. It captured participants’ engagement and helped us create groups of governance related engagement based on scores on each of the 7 questions.
DISCLAIMER: Governance Engagement Index is not an official metric, nor has it been approved through the Constitution, any vote or formal process. Rather, it represents our best attempt to create a relatable and meaningful measure for the community.
With a tool we built you can check what would your score be at that moment in time - remember, answering as if it's December 2024 :)
Your response is anonymous and saved to help us track engagement trends over time.
Engagement groups then:
Low (score 7-9)
Medium (score 10-12)
High (score 13-17)
Read a part from the report to gain even broader understanding (below).
Or see where you stand today with new GEI v 2
Slide through 3 pages from the report

Governance engagement index

Governance engagement index

Governance engagement index

Governance engagement index