Hear hear!
3 very important things are on schedule in following weeks. Keep reading.
After long break, we are finally back in research gears. New survey is here and now it's time to get the word out and get as many participants as possible. For you reference, this is what the survey is about:
We wanted to cover all the major Cardano topics of the moment, at the same time not making the whole survey way too long. It is an easy fill out - and will enjoyably give us some great insights into how different categories of people in space are thinking and what is the overall sentiment at the moment.
Well, it's been in our thought process for a long time already, and we've realised - now is the great time to start this. Matea (Thesis) will be our podcast host for Thesis On Cardano, and she wishes to talk to all different people in the space, hear opinions, stories, successes, losses, struggles - and share it with audience in a relaxed way.
6 episodes will be coming out in next 2 weeks. The prologue video is here:
We have applied again and are giving out best to spread the word out - help us in that and consider voting for our proposals. The easiest way to find all of them is by typing: THESIS in the Voting app.
Thank you for your ongoing support and let's get this one!! Cheers, M&M